Our website and 'Request Rare Books’ form will be down for maintenance as follows:
from 13:00 to 18:00 on June 20th.

The outage might have to be extended if any unanticipated problems occur.
Thank you for your cooperation.

'Request Rare Books’ form on our website will be down for maintenance as follows:
from 15:00 to 17:00 on May 29th.

The outage might have to be extended if any unanticipated problems occur.
Thank you for your cooperation.

We published Bulletin of the Center for Historical Social Science Literature No. 43. It is available on HERMES-IR. (Only PDF edition. Print edition is not published.)

Bulletin of the Center for Historical Social Science Literature, No. 43 (March 2023)


  • Yoshikazu SUZUKI. “Erasmus and the Ideal Prince" (in Japanese)
  • Shunji TAKAHASHI. “Humanism in the Age without God : Science and Human in Fontenelle" (in Japanese)
  • Daiki KIWAYAMA. “Léon Duguit and “the Organization of Control"" (in Japanese)
  • Takahito MORI. “Fukuda Tokuzo in der Zeit der “Reformen": Ein Überblick über seine sozial- und wirtschaftspolitischen Ideen in »Wirtschaftskrise und Konjunkturerholung«" (in Japanese)
  • Akira TAKANO. “Characteristics of Western Old Books Necessary to Make Catalogue" (in Japanese)
  • Taichi KOCHIYA. “As the Research Associate for CHSSL" (in Japanese)
  • Journal, 2022 (in Japanese)

Our website and 'Request Rare Books’ form will be down for maintenance as follows:
from 18:00 to 23:00 on December 12th.

The outage might have to be extended if any unanticipated problems occur.
Thank you for your cooperation.

The CHSSL will be closed on Wed., Dec. 14 – Fri., Dec. 16.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

We published Study Series No. 80. It is available on HERMES-IR. (Only PDF edition. Print edition is not published.)

Study Series, No. 80 (September 2022)
Akira Takano, Eriko Nakai ; Purpose of the symposium by Shinichi Nagao. Present stage of Descriptive Bibliography and archival research on Western rare books. (in Japanese)

Study Series, No. 76 (March 2020)
Yuji Sakakura, Takeshi Koseki, Kyoko Matsunami. Describing Books, Describing the World: Looking at the Age of Enlightenment through Bibliography. (in Japanese)

We published Study Series No. 79. It is available on HERMES-IR. (Only PDF edition. Print edition is not published.)

Study Series, No. 79 (March 2022)
Texte traduit par Yashiho Kikkawa. Commission de la Bibliothèque Impériale et des Archives de l’Empire Procès-Verbaux des Séances, Volume III (in Japanese)

Study Series, No. 67 (March 2012)
Texte rétabli par Yashiho Kikkawa. Commission de la Bibliothèque Impériale et des Archives de l’Empire Procès-Verbaux des Séances, Volume I (in Japanese and French)

Study Series, No. 75 (March 2019)
Texte rétabli par Yashiho Kikkawa. Commission de la Bibliothèque Impériale et des Archives de l’Empire Procès-Verbaux des Séances, Volume II: Pièces Annexes (in Japanese and French)

From April 1st, the CHSSL’s services as following.
Our services are subject to change without notice by COVID-19 epidemic situation. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Precautions for Visitors

  • Please refrain from entering the CHSSL if you are unwell, such as fever, cough, or feeling lethargic.
  • Please wear a mask when you come to the CHSSL.
  • Please wash your hands with soap at the lobby sink before entering the reading room.

Browse/Duplicate of Materials

  • It is available to Hitotsubashi University members, and external users who have a letter of introduction by your institution or faculty and staff of Hitotsubashi University.
  • The CHSSL is open during the following hours for the time being :
    Monday to Friday 9:15 a.m. – Noon, 1:00 p.m. – 4:45 p.m.
    Saturday, Sunday & national holidays closed.
  • Only one person can use the same day.
    If other person has already specified the same date, we will contact you.
  • If you want more information for using, please read here.

Mailing books in Open Stacks for Hit-U Members

  • Out of service. If you have a situation where you really need mailing service, please contact us via Ask a Librarian (University Library website).


  • Out of service for Hitotsubashi University members. If you have a situation where you really need mailing service, please contact us via Ask a Librarian (University Library website).
  • If you belong to a university or research institution except for Hitotsubashi University, please apply via your institution.
  • Otherwise, please contact us.

Using in class

  • Out of service.


  • Out of service.

We published Bulletin of the Center for Historical Social Science Literature No. 42. It is available on HERMES-IR. (Only PDF edition. Print edition is not published.)

Bulletin of the Center for Historical Social Science Literature, No. 42 (March 2022)


  • Takahito MORI. “Einfluß der deutschen Historischen Schule auf die Entstehungsphase der Wirtschaftsgeschichtswissenschaft in Japan: Fukuda Tokuzos Rezeption und Kritik der Wirtschaftsstufentheorie von Karl Bücher" (in Japanese)
  • Albertus YASHIKI J. R. “Juristische Literatur der frühen Neuzeit sehr gesucht! : oder ein Rückblick der neueren Sammlungen dieser Jahre" (in Japanese)
  • Journal, 2021 (in Japanese)

We published Study Series No. 78. It is available on HERMES-IR. (Only PDF edition. Print edition is not published.)

Study Series. No. 78 (January 2022)
Hiroshi Kato, Eri Degawa. The Family Structure and Cycle of Bedouins in Mid-19th Century Egypt. (in Japanese)